Wednesday, April 25, 2007

They're Pulling You In, Again

Yahoo! News reported today that the Dow Jones industrial average rose from 12,000 to 13,000 in only six months. It said there "MAY be more reason to worry than rejoice." (emphasis added) Well, duh! They're pulling you in, until they dump you again. That's my theory anyway. After all, what goes up, must come down - I think this even applies to methane from cows.

Ever want to know what composes the Dow 30? Check out what I think is the easiest-to-understand entry at Wikipedia: (Hope it doesn't change too much by the time you view it.) My theory (I have plenty, as you can see) is that it's all rigged in some way or other to benefit those with lots of money. Perhaps they even buy the components to increase the average, then sell out. Cheers!

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