Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Jury Duty Scam

What would you do? A person calls you, saying he/she is a court official. You are told that you may be arrested since you didn’t show up for jury duty. You don’t remember getting a summons and say so. You are then told to give your social security number and date of birth for verification and cancellation of the arrest warrant. Do you do it? No way. So what do you do? Call the court yourself.

It is said that “The scam has been reported so far in 10 states, including Michigan, Ohio, Texas, Arizona, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Oregon, Washington, and Colorado. This (scam) is particularly insidious because they use intimidation over the phone to try to bully people into giving information by pretending they're with the court system. The FBI and the federal court system have issued nationwide alerts on their web sites, warning consumers about the fraud.”

Check it out on Snopes
and at the FBI.

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