Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Debates? Don't Think So!

I haven't seen the so-called "Democratic Debates" last night on CNN yet, but from one source I read, it wasn't such a big deal... although it could have been. The problem, to me, is that these are not truly debates - they are question-and-answer sessions, political posturing, and denunciations of other contenders. As such, there will inevitably be much repetition of everything we've heard before.

Now the idea of using videos from YouTube.com was a good one. But I think that it was just a political gimmick for TV. The same things could have been presented more efficiently in printed form. They could even have been given out before the show - like there's an unlimited number of issues on which to rehearse. Besides, don't we really want a person who really thinks about things, not just responds to emotional pleas?

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