Wednesday, December 12, 2007

When was the last time you lost your temper?

Well, when was it? We absolutely need to know... At least Katie Couric thinks we do.

This will be another one of her moronic questions to the ten - no, there's only ten, because Katie says so - candidates for the Republican and Democratic primaries next year, some in January, after the hangovers wear off... and new ones begin.

Well, got news for ya', Katie: a lot of us people don't care what those ho-hums think. Their ideas are tired and broken... many times over. And if you want to remain the CBS evening news hostess, keep doing the fluff. But if you want to be a real newslady, break free from whoever is writing those scripted questions and ask some real ones... to ALL of the candidates.

P.S. I won't hold my breath until THAT one happens.

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