Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Mercury’s not just a distant planet.

Jenny Thompson, from HSI e-Alert, asks, “What should you do when a compact fluorescent light [CFL] breaks?”

She replies, “Get yourself into another zip code.”

Why? Well, she says that, since it contains mercury, there is a potential safety problem if it breaks. But, never fear, the EPA is there to help. According to a Consumer Report article, the EPA says to just follow these simple steps and all will be fine:

"Open a window and leave the room for 15 minutes

When cleaning breakage on hard floors, wear disposable rubber gloves, scoop up the debris with cardboard, then clean up with a damp paper towel

When cleaning debris on carpet, pick up fragments and powder with sticky tape before vacuuming

Place all debris and cleaning materials (gloves, cardboard, etc.) into a plastic bag and seal it

Place the bag in ANOTHER plastic bag and seal it (remember – it's not just a toxin, it's a NEUROtoxin)

After vacuuming, remove the vacuum bag, put it in a plastic bag and seal it – then put it in another plastic bag and seal it

Put all bags in the trash outside, then wash your hands."
Ms. Thompson then says, “Of course, if your doctor suggests that you get a vaccine that uses mercury as a preservative – hey, no problem! The FDA says that's just fine! But if he drops the syringe and it breaks, you know the drill: open a window, leave the room, get out the plastic bags, etc. Right…and find another doctor.”

P.S. To get your own HSI e-Alert, visit

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